Artist Interviews: Lisa Ashbrook

Lisa Ashbrook is a visual artist from Columbus, Ohio. Her vibrant drawings and paintings depict a wide range of subject matter, often rooted in her love of nature. Lisa especially enjoys drawing animals, and is starting to take pet portrait commissions. She has enriched her artistic practice by taking art classes from a number of instructors, including our Open Studio for Adults, Back to Basics, and Paint & Chill classes. Thank you Lisa for sharing some inspiration today with us on the blog!
AMU: Art Makes Us ___.
Lisa: Happy.
AMU: Tell us a little about yourself and your art.
Lisa: As I young child, I was always creating some type of art. I dreamed of selling my creations in craft stores in tourist towns. As I aged, I lost my interest in art. Looking back, I wish I would have taken more classes in school. I started taking classes in my late twenties and reconnected with the satisfaction and joy in creating art. However it took many more years before I was able to dedicate more time to my work. Now that I am retired, I am devoting more time to art because it is something I really enjoy.
AMU: What’s your favorite medium?
Lisa: I keep trying different mediums but end up doing more work in colored pencil and oil pastels.
AMU: What inspires you?
Lisa: The beauty of everything in life. I have become more observant of all the colors and shapes around us. I love colors.
AMU: What are your artistic goals for the future?
Lisa: I enjoy realistic painting. I’m also experimenting with abstract and expressive color. I do pet portraits in colored pencil and/or oil pastel. I am hoping to create a way to sell online in the near future.
AMU: What is one piece of art advice you were given that has alway stuck with you?
Lisa: I learned to notice color in all things, and how to capture it in my artwork. I appreciate nature so much more.

AMU: If they made a film about your life, who would play you?
Lisa: Julianne Moore
AMU: What famous artist would you love to meet?
Lisa: Georgia O’Keeffe

AMU: What do you wish you knew when you started?
Lisa: I wish I would have realized how satisfying and calming art can be. I wish I had allowed myself to prioritize art in my life.
AMU: What’s your favorite color?
Lisa: Blue has always been my favorite color but I am becoming extremely fond of teal.
AMU: If you had an artistic superpower what would it be?
Lisa: I would love to draw from my imagination rather than always replicating things I see.
If you would like to connect with Lisa about a pet portrait commission, email her at